HTA-800 yra 50W / 8ohm aukšto patikimumo, tačiau vis dar nebrangus hibridinis integruotas stiprintuvas, kuriame yra dvi 6N3 lempos iš anksto įtaisoskyriuje ir keturi Toshiba tranzistoriai išėjimo galuose . Šis sprendimas užtikrina labai šiltą, linijinį ir gyvą garsą su dideliu dinaminiu pateikimu tuo pačiu metu.
Aukštos kokybės lemposi, didelio galingumo ekranuoti toroidiniai 200W transformatoriaiužtikrina stabilų, pastovų ir nedelsiant pasiekiamą energiją bet kokio dydžio.
Audiofilinio lygio ALPS tomo potenciometras užtikrina minimalų triukšmą ir kanalų atskyrimą ir turi gerą veikimo jausmą ir riboja klaidas tarp dviejų kanalų.
Audiofilų klasės "WIMA" kondensatoriai užtikrina stabilų atkūrimą, gerinant muzikos tonas ir garso lauko gylį.
Aukštos klasės, auksiniai garsiakalbių gnybtai suteikia beveik be nuostolių garso signalo perdavimą garsiakalbiams.
Analoginiai įėjimai su aukštos kokybės apdailos žalvariu RCA lizdais gali talpinti iki 4 stereofoninius įrenginius, įskaitant lankstinuką ( MM kasetę ), kad galėtumėte mėgautis muzika iš jūsų mėgstamų vinilo įrašų.
Galite prijungti įvairius skaitmeninius įrenginius per optinius arba koaksialinius įėjimus, o įmontuotas aukščiausios kokybės 24bit / 192 kHz aukščiausios kokybės skystųjų kristalų ekvalatūrinis dažnio keitiklis visada užtikrins geriausią garso kokybę.
Tiems, kurie nori atskirai klausytis, "TAGA Harmony" įrengta HTA-800 su aukšto tikslumo ausinių stiprintuvu .
Pasirengimo stiprintuvo išėjimas skirtas papildomam išoriniam stiprintuvui arba maitintuvo žemųjų dažnių garsiakalbiui ir garsiakalbiui.
Nuimamas IEC maitinimo kabelis suteikia galimybę atnaujinti savo sistemą su priemoka Audiophile maitinimo kabelis bet kuriuo metu.
"HTA-800" sujungia analoginius garsus su tranzistorių galingais lempas, kad garsas būtų geriausias už kainą!
Pleasant sound
“…There is a subtle hint of warmth and sweetness characteristic for the valve amplification – it is thanks to basic 6N3 tubes working in the preamp section. On the other hand Toshiba transistors along with a solid power supply are able to control sounds in the lower registries what I especially liked when listening to electronic and rock music.
Attention is drawn by solid bass with mass and depth corresponding to amplifiers offering much more watts than a number the HTA-800 reaches, which is its advantage. Honestly speaking the levels of volume which I was able to reach in a room bigger than 30 sqm were close to those offered by Hegel H-80 and it is much more efficient amplifier than the HTA-800…
TAGA Harmony is gently moving toward more relaxing sound – it has its charm as some songs which may sound too aggressive become in some sense “civilized” and have more accepted message. The HTA-800 offers the sound which is tonally balanced without dominating any frequency over the others – the owners of smooth sounding speakers by adding this amplifier would be able to build a neutral sounding system in which music is on the first place rather than technical complexities…”
Verdict “Pros: Solidly built, based on decent components, including an efficient toroidal transformer and quite large capacitors for power storage. The sound full of vigor with impeccable dynamics on a micro scale. Controlled and defined bass. The malleable and musical sound with a delicate hint of warmth and sweetness.”
“May a piece of equipment for this price also boast of sound at least acceptable on a demanding audio-stereo scale? The answer is yes! The tested amplifier is characterized by a very well built sound and a very attractive appearance. It reveals itself as complete, vigorous, juicy and malleable. It is a full range sound with muscular bass. It can be written that this sound is very similar to the higher HTA-1200 model, but a bit simplified and with a slightly slimmer depth and less spatial.
The midrange moves strongly towards the front of the loudspeaker line, but it is done in such a physiological way that it is not obtrusive. On the contrary, all sounds get the authenticity, instruments get the clarity and expressiveness, and the vocals the power and sensuality at the same time. All this is highlighted by a kind of "tube" way of presenting the sound, i.e. a slight touch of warmth and sweetness of two 6N3 preamplifier tubes. It is an addition of subtlety, velvety and passion combined with a higher bass saturation and its better structure. Of course, it is not only credit to the tubes but to the optimal design of the amplifier, however it is the 6N3 tubes that gives the final charm and some extent of complement and closure of the whole sound. They bring saturation and malleability to the sound. And you have to like it. The HTA-800 sound is presented in an attractive and vivid way, organically and harmoniously… Difficult to beat at its price or even higher.”
Conclusion “Taga Harmony HTA-800 is a multifunctional budget hybrid amplifier (tube-transistor), which in its class has a sensational, because substantial, organic and musical, sound with good spatiality and exemplary saturation.Additionally it is equipped with an internal DAC, phono stage and headphone preamplifier. I predict it will gain high popularity especially among beginners in the high-fidelity world, but not only. Taga Harmony HTA-800 is another very successful company's product. At this price it is a torpedo - bravo!”
+ Highlights » Value for money » "Seductive sound” signature » Beautiful dynamics » Plenty of sweetness and substance » Excellent behavior on human voices » Quality connectivity
“We were impressed by the construction of the amplifier, thecomponents used and many features it offered. We started a listening session with Eva Cassidy's album "Live At Blues Alley". After listening to "What A Wonderful World" everything was immediately obvious. Eva's vocal moved forward in front of the speaker line, it was gentle, slightly warmed, presented almost in an intimate, soothing way.The guitar, piano with clearly audible texture. Cymbals' plates were gentle, sonorous and without exaggerated reverbs.
Being impressed by how the female vocals were presented, we reached for the next album. Aga Zaryan "My Lullaby" was placed in the player. The presentation of the songs was similar to previously heard. In addition, the double bass recorded on the album showed the amplifier's ability to reproduce lower frequency ranges. The instrument was playing clearly, in detail and naturally.
During the listening session, the TAGA amp revealed a saturated, full sound, especially in the middle range. We liked this range the most and it was a bit privileged. The highs were calm, delicate, slightly withdrawn and warmed. The bass was under control, with a good extension with and satisfactory resolution. The presented scene was gently moved beyond the side border of the speakers, at the same time not too deep, and in most of the tracks the musicians were aligned with the speakers Taga HTA-800 plays with good dynamics, and does not get lost during playback of different music genres.”
Summary “As it turns out that in the reasonable price, it was possible to create an amplifier which can work with many sources, made from very good quality components and parts… Most importantly, one more time the producer proves that you do not have to spend huge amounts to be able to enjoy music at a really very good level.”